The Principles of Solidarity

Principles of Solidarity
(This draft was adopted by consensus by those in attendance at the Occupy for All Action Assembly on November 21, 2011. This is a working document that may be revised as is fit.)

A call to action is echoing across our nation. The message implores individuals to reclaim their democratic power and stand up against economic and social injustice. Inspired by this rallying cry, the people have begun to come together, develop a dialog and discover a fundamental truth shared by all. Our voices have been silenced, our labor devalued, our property stolen, and our very person-hood diminished by a select few wielding swindled supremacy. This revelation awakened the deep desire for change that had been accumulating inside a displaced population.

This rising awareness has roused a pressing need to act; this charge is carried with each of us as we incorporate the lessons of our collective histories with the processes and culture we create today. We acknowledge that social change cannot emerge from the mere fact of our assembly, but only as a lived outcome of the manner in which we assemble. We come together to engage in direct and transparent participatory democracy. Empowering ourselves to imagine and build new, more equitable alternatives to the prevailing socio-political order. We are building occupations and creating communities.

Now, this resistance has reached the next stage of its evolution; a mass awakening of the global consciousness. In the bonds of solidarity and togetherness, we recognize that:

  • We are awakening from the endless pursuit of an illusory happiness, preparing to escape the confinement of ideologies not our own.
  • We are equal in our rights as inspired, but not enforced, by the Constitution. For though we are told that we have these liberties, they are not shared freely. Instead they are regulated and controlled by those who would see these freedoms stripped for their own gain. Taken from those that have worked so hard to defend them.
  • We have a kinship that is not defined by the laws of society, but of community. For societies are manufactured, while communities are grown, organic and free.
  • We have a right to seek out other like-minded people and form our own communities, not to live under the rule of those who would actively oppose our vision through violence or mass manipulation.
  • The future is not to be decided by the past, but shaped by it, because the future is always changing with every action, every voice, and every person.

We come together as individuals to speak with one voice as the 99% in the struggle to live our lives as we see fit, with the freedoms we had been promised but never truly granted.  We are creating a global future.  It is our right, not simply as citizens, rather as human beings, to stand united and demand that the power of the world be restored to the people of the world.